March 27, 2011

pemberian tuhan, umur dan nyawa :)

hey people!

it been a while since i last updated my blog and sawang dah bersepah merata-rata :))
as you know, before this i was busayy! with my studies and all and now im a working person and i don't really have much time for this *alasan*

well here some brief update :)

1) it was my birthday last week and nothing much about it. a few presents from friends and family. thank you!

2) im an uncle now. im so happy about it like i even apply for leave to be at the hospital with my family. its a girl! my parents of course the most happiest person since they always wanted a daughter and it turn out that all 3 of their children are boys and finally their first grand daughter is here. alhamdulillah!

dua perkara di beri tuhan. umur dan nyawa :)


pRImRosE...~mencari ketenangan dalam peperangan...~ ;p said...

congrate.. :)

Shazuan Ali said...

terima kasih :)

Daniera said...

wawan, ep bday(blog version :) ) and cumel anak dara awak tu :)